a dream in motion – free write

what I really want to say is nothing
just take a long walk alone,
my little break from awesome
each foot lifted with thought
i’d live my slow stepping with cream on top
maple yogurt with a bit of  meditative eating

save the moment, then sit like a stone soaking sun rays
being minutes of solitude
a leaves-bent-in-the-breeze quiet

i really want to let a cool chaos be ever okay
but in my bones it can shake like a tiny fury
i could recognize as a tantrum
if it were ignorable
if i knew where the override button was

then again, only the Prophets needed no break
from training the world, and maybe they did anyhow
i’m training an outspoken two with the unshaven
(until the discomfort of growing in hair trumps
don’t want to mess with that today) dear one

the lot of us, we’re all sane and sassy,
music (that memory-inducing charm) plays
we belly laugh every ten minutes
a few notable photos managed yet
colorado cute, log cabins, earth-tone purple houses
snow caps in may, and down the mountain
valleys layered in straight-up tall pines
topped in ordinarily amazing sky

I live a dream in motion
even when i do need an hour alone and silent

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Change in treatment plan/update from my mom

When I met with my oncologist in Zion on Friday, he decided to change my treatment plan by replacing one of my chemo medications with another that he says is more effective. He said that his reasons are the way I’m handling side effects of treatment and the signs of improvement in my recent scans. This also will change my schedule, I’ll be going for treatment every two weeks, currently that puts me there every other Friday. Also he will wait until I’ve been on this new program for probably three sessions before he orders new scans.

Overall he says that I’m doing very well with handling side effects, that he can see it better than I do because he has many patients with similar situations for comparison.

Meanwhile I’m mostly not wearing the surgical collar, and will be seeing the surgeon this coming week for a follow-up exam.

OK, enough about me already! I want to hear more about what’s happening with all of you. I can’t figure out how to respond to your Care Pages posts, so please write to me at my email address hnkatz2@sbcglobal.net

Love and prayers,

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“Adult” feels closed in, as if spontaneity must be set aside
for proper planning, a perfect shade of blue that never falters.
I’d rather grow up on a song and call it love,
let its shape evolve with every understanding.

We’re passing a garage sale somewhere in the US,
bits of a family’s history laid out on green tarps
beneath late afternoon sun, the vibrating kind,
its light bouncing off passing car roofs,
greening trees, pleasing children unaware.

My husband is drawn to browse.
I look back down at the screen in my lap
grateful he keeps driving west,
think vaguely of the hours purging last summer,
our own lawn tarps covered in low-priced,
well-used gifts, thoughtful and thoughtless purchases
proved useful, empty floors freshly Swiffered,
bare walls, clean cabinets, our foot steps echoing
up and down double-checked walkways
before we locked the front door for the last time.

The open road offers its own challenges,
a vast space in which to listen to years gone by,
friendships we forget to connect to the future
and regret for such carelessness, a vague familiar
created by industry but nothing to memorize
as daily outside of our small traveling setup,
and a shimmering quiet asking us to fill it
with acted-on good intentions,
like singing with the family more,
writing now that time has opened,
and being awake for every sunrise,
knowing the long day stretches out,
waiting to see if we will keep our word.

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Dually Written/update from my mom

Hi Friends,

This is Heidi, slowly taking dictation for my mom. (I’m slow, she’s not) She says, “I’m sorry I haven’t written anything for a while. I’ve been having pain issues these last couple weeks, but the good news is, I got the surgical collar off and am doing okay without it. I’m going back to CTCA tomorrow for more treatment, so it may be several more days before I’m up to writing much.

“Pain or no pain, I’m grateful for everyone’s prayers and support.”-end dictation.

She also asked me to write a bit of whatever I felt like sharing.

This morning, my mom drove for the first time since the neck surgeries. Turns out the pain in her arm (which has been gradually getting better), rather than any neck issues, was the greatest challenge. But she did run two errands, then came home and promptly took a three hour nap.

I have other thoughts and stories, but not for today.

Let’s do a Q & A post, focused on but not restricted to her health and related matters, like “How’s Mr. Bob?”. If you would like, ask a question(s) in the comments, and we will write a post of answers within the bounds of what we’re willing to share publicly.

I may get a talking to for this idea 😉 It’s okay though, she’ll enjoy the virtual “hanging out” aspect.

Later Gaters (written from Shreveport),

Helen and Heidi

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cafe mind clearing


flower companion

My lunch companion, provided by Sandra’s Restaurant

I’ve got company in this Louisiana cafe: scattered thoughts, a bit of self pity, cold chicken, hot coffee, and a bright cloth flower.

I’d like to have a poem for lunch, but nothing gives.

I linger on the thought of chocolate cake. I’m planning on making a gluten free cake in a mug at the next stop. I let desire for this decadence escape into my emotions. A need is born, American style.

My best friend has skin cancer. She’s matter of fact, as if discussing a pile of dirty dishes or meeting at the park. I only remembered again just now, at a glass table, soothed by natural light, in the hippie section of town.

The other night I told my mother about someone else with cancer, a friend from high school. My mom is quick, ready with a touch of humor. She says it’s all the rage now. She was in the infusion bay at the time, chemo dripping into her body.

I need two hands to count the number of people I know/am related to who are being treated to be rid of cancer at present.

I should stick with thoughts of chocolate cake and forced poetry.


I’m grateful:

-to be enjoying alone time while my husband hangs out with the boys

-my mom’s recent scans showed improvement, hope of recovery, and that her oncologist was sincerely pleased

-the restaurant/health food store I’m in is pretty

-to be almost done with my part of the first draft of a gluten free recipe book for basic baked goods

-to have driven through southern Oklahoma and southern Texas near the border where I was reminded that sadness can be a place, which increased appreciation for other, more beautiful places I could easily take for granted

-for time and quiet space to get these handful of thoughts written down


Beyond this exercise in mind clearing, I feel a smile beginning to bloom. Thank goodness.

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we have kansas sun before dusk
lighting our westward trail,

a case of water, racing winds
calling through open windows
this is what you prayed for

easy laughter,
food in a purple plastic box,
booster packs of gaming cards,
a funny smile on dad’s face,
appreciating of his sons’ antics,

dirty bare feet, stretches of silence,
orange juice in emptied ozarka bottles,
long, slow conversation,
crumby blankets,
bare pillows, boy questions in still-little voices,

every now and then
i-love-you-glances passed
between mom and dad,
and countless miles
of road to cover

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Negative plus positive plus positive equals positive/Update from my mom

The report from my oncologist on the two scans I took Thursday was wonderful to hear. He said that despite my losing a month of treatment due to the surgery, many of the cancer spots are smaller. Not all, some didn’t change and in at least one place it is slightly larger, but overall he saw this as a very positive report. He’ll be scanning me again after I complete two more rounds of chemo.

My surgeon was happy, also, to see no new cancer in the area where he had operated, and told me to wear the collar until May 3, then take it off “progressively,” since the neck muscles will be weak, and to make an appointment to see him sometime in May.

I wanted to tell you all the good news right away but after the chemo that same day I was pretty well wiped out, and have been mostly sleeping since then. Knowing the treatment is having some results, though, makes this much more bearable.

Thanks again and again and again for your love and prayers.


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so we wait

I keep company with what I know
I cannot predict or control.
Every second for sure, but I forget,

My reaction, my intention, my hopes, yes,
but nothing else.

I check as if reading a thermometer.
More energy today mom?
How’s your appetite?

She finally asks me to stop.
It matters though,
this false sense of knowing a thing, as if…
I knew the future.

We are quieter together,
very much ourselves,
a walking patience.

Cancer grows or shrinks beyond
what we can measure day by day,
beyond what we understand,
so we wait.

I had no idea I could feel quiet
in the visible presence of uncertainty.

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Day 15 – lost intention

This is the missed one,
another midnight dance
behind closed eyes,
only last night
there was no dance,
only the memory
of what wasn’t.
Yesterday’s poem,
that I put off
until after dinner,
beyond the 9pm nap,
until all intentions
of such a creation
slipped into no thought,
right up to the second
before sleep.

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nearly to bed

When all but my small light
have been turned off for the night,
when each door closes
and a certain quiet envelops the house,
I feel pieces of me shimmer with the ticking clock,
refrigerator hum, ever so slight ceiling fan whistle.
I become silence, weary but lifted.
Emotional notions set aside through the day
come to life, not one by one,
but as a shoulder-dropping sigh,
a sense of everything and nothing,
a bit of sadness mixed with love.
Nearly to bed, yes nearly, but not just yet.

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