Monthly Archives: January 2011

Treading Lightly – A Meditation on Positive Change

I’m stalling in the place between poetic prose and silence. Quiet, slightly intimidated by everyday life and the prospect of accountability, routine. I wither there, I think. Or do I? I don’t really know anymore. Some semblance of routine has … Continue reading

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How Do you Think About Persons With Disabilities

Watch this short video before reading further. Last night, I almost didn’t take my boys to the library for a viewing of this documentary. That would have been a huge loss. I completely forgot there was even a viewing to … Continue reading

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Happy Birthday, Sharon!

Since I joined Open Salon last September, I’ve been considering writing a post where I tell how Sharon, aka mimetalker, has influenced my life. My first thought was that I should ask permission, then she left this: “13. In full … Continue reading

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Half Nonsense (but only half)

what are you gonna do with all this quiet hold it at arms length with your face turned away, singing, “nanny nanny boo boo, you can’t catch me” tap it out in free verse carry it in your pocket for … Continue reading

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Talk to me

Indecision is the first clue, then guilt. Spontaneous creativity that normally makes family life fun begins to fade, replaced by direct, plain spoken instructions like, “Go to your room. Close the door. Come out when you’re no longer interested in … Continue reading

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Aunt Bea – written for my son

My children don’t read most of what I write, but they know other people do. They only read stories about themselves and facebook status updates where I tell that Super Man is in the building as a way of sharing … Continue reading

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Inevitable Unity

We are a sea of bodies each on a mysterious winding path We are a sea of souls no separation no names We could reach each other I stretch my right arm heavenward a ballerina seeking I am a line … Continue reading

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Thoughts on Caregiving

My husband works long hours. So often, days will pass, days where I am always with my children, when not a single fight or incident between the boys occurs, nor a single break where I am only dancing to the … Continue reading

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sacred transition

boy perched sleepily on my hip, i walk softly to a twin bed in the corner, settle us down we’re easing into the last time this love scene will play out as it has for months into years as you … Continue reading

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I Quit

A summer Saturday afternoon in the 80’s. But you do it every other day, he won’t know the difference. “I can’t. He’ll know they’re for me this time.” “He won’t sell to me anyway, I look ten. He knows you.” … Continue reading

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