Monthly Archives: September 2011

Beauty is Not in the Mirror

  While shopping at Target a few nights ago, my son and I passed the same couple every few minutes, and each time we saw them I was moved nearly to tears. I’m writing today to try and sort out … Continue reading

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The work of being human

Uncertainty in the details, uncertainty in the future becoming comfortable with the not knowing that is my work. I have never known, but the illusion has vanished The present demands my attention if I am to be happy, content, creative … Continue reading

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Serious Addiction? Yes

I’ve heard people say debting and spending are not real addictions. If the debtor believes someone, somewhere will take care of her no matter what she chooses to do with her money, even after every living room she has access … Continue reading

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New Beginning

We’re completely moved out of our house. In a couple hours, another family will turn a key, open the heavy blue door, and begin carrying their boxes and furniture inside. Our house is now their home. Strange, but wonderful. A … Continue reading

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Stand by Me

Dear Love of My Life, You already know how it goes. This is where I fall apart, just as the reality of our efforts begins to bear fruit. I’m all warrior-like and together in the planning stages and in the … Continue reading

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  Windows shades drawn around reverent space I could dwell here forever alone, silent geese fly overhead, I hear the familiar call picture their perfect V formation In shadow mind, I wonder when the spell will break and in that … Continue reading

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We will not regret the past nor wish to shut the door on it

The thing about recovery (ongoing) from addiction is that I live three lives. Before screwing my life up, during the downward spiral, and now, when my life looks so together (and truly is happy and beautiful beyond measure), only my … Continue reading

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Needing Sanctuary

  I’m letting night come on naturally, allowing dusk and then dark evening to envelop my home. The boys have a window open and a small light on in their bunk, a temporary Lego fortress. Some days, some hours, the … Continue reading

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Several tiny birds have hopped near my outdoor cafe seat. The moment they’re close enough to touch, a handful of these miracles glide away. For want of wings, we strapped cloth and sticks to our backs and jumped from high … Continue reading

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Snapshot of Love

Batman pajamas wiggle by the kitchen table with a handful of cards for a hot Go-Fish game An hour after noon, and there’s really no hurry “The List” is long enough but not worth depleting our opportunities to giggle and … Continue reading

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