Monthly Archives: April 2012


we have kansas sun before dusk lighting our westward trail, a case of water, racing winds calling through open windows this is what you prayed for easy laughter, food in a purple plastic box, booster packs of gaming cards, a … Continue reading

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Negative plus positive plus positive equals positive/Update from my mom

The report from my oncologist on the two scans I took Thursday was wonderful to hear. He said that despite my losing a month of treatment due to the surgery, many of the cancer spots are smaller. Not all, some … Continue reading

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so we wait

I keep company with what I know I cannot predict or control. Every second for sure, but I forget, mercifully. My reaction, my intention, my hopes, yes, but nothing else. I check as if reading a thermometer. More energy today … Continue reading

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Day 15 – lost intention

This is the missed one, another midnight dance behind closed eyes, only last night there was no dance, only the memory of what wasn’t. Yesterday’s poem, that I put off until after dinner, beyond the 9pm nap, until all intentions … Continue reading

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nearly to bed

When all but my small light have been turned off for the night, when each door closes and a certain quiet envelops the house, I feel pieces of me shimmer with the ticking clock, refrigerator hum, ever so slight ceiling … Continue reading

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Day 11 – a reasonable exception

I half dreamed yesterday’s poem in the singsong quiet before midnight, liquid images playing behind closed eyelids, snug under a patchwork quilt. Another time, I would have crawled out of bed, carried my body through the dark, held the alphabet … Continue reading

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the waiting mattered

I waited at 3am, Good Earth in my hands, centuries whispering wisdom, I am also human, Marlboro swirls collecting in my pajamas, time trickling forward with unfulfilled yearning. Years passed. I handed out hamburgers and conversation to faces I will … Continue reading

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Call from the surgeon/update from my mom

Friday at CTCA I had several neck x-rays so the surgeon could decide whether it’s OK for me to stop wearing the surgical collar. Today he called and said the x-rays looked excellent, but because my bone is soft due … Continue reading

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one heart at a time

Who were we gathered tonight? Your dancing hands and perfect wrinkle lines from years impish smiles, his whole-face-grin lighting grey eyes from within, a mother, observing the roomful, one ear upstairs where her two-year-old plays with bigger kids (including the … Continue reading

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garbage poem?

Picking up onion slivers from beneath the cafe bench, walking to the garbage, shoving the door open with my pinky knuckle, might not be a good beginning, but it is mine tonight. At the point of being ready for the … Continue reading

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