Monthly Archives: February 2011


I could turn my heart to every matter undefined, laced with sadness, uncertainty, less than what I wished for. I could. I ache enough holding love, hugs from small arms, cherished hopes like late winter buds; a promise of spring. … Continue reading

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Seasons Speak

They stand on longer-than-she-can-believe legs, possess defined jaw lines, cheek bones, composure. She studies each feature, especially those beautiful eyes. Her older son flashes a crinkle-nose grin. “Mooom, what?!” her younger son giggles, squirming. “I’m grateful I get to be … Continue reading

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monkey mind in verse

hello blank page can you offer miracles of clarity and depth a classic ballet of syllables sans effort (from me) no need to pine for a well-spun phrase beginnings surround ideas without form, first lines silence beyond an impatient gardener … Continue reading

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wrapped in quiet a blanket, soothing too slow for words a moment in between each content in our own doing together bowed over matter we read, search, create i am with two children who bounce as a rule but not … Continue reading

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I was nervous, but there was nothing to worry about. The kids in our children’s theater company absolutely rocked at dress rehearsal today! They spoke clearly, stayed in character between lines, and nailed every song. I could get hooked on … Continue reading

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i resist stillness at dawn prefer doing believe coffee alone be enough send me into the day ready i know better pull a blanket over my shoulders feet, crossed legs breathe into morning meditation words i’ve heard for years sanity … Continue reading

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Getting to Know My Grandma

Grandma Katz was growing weak, appearing older than her 76 years, afflicted with an illness that grows in the soil of a life time spent worrying, compulsively focusing on a perfection that lives ever on the planes of impossible. She … Continue reading

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Musings on a Winter Afternoon

In my early twenties, I drove in amazingly beautiful and equally dangerous weather. The first time, on a bright afternoon, snow flew in swirling masses toward the windshield. I could only see a a few feet beyond the hood. I … Continue reading

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