Monthly Archives: March 2012

Taking Stock – update from my mom

I can see why I became so depressed when I tried to come back to my house a couple weeks ago. There are so many things to pick up or move around or clean or whatever and my body was … Continue reading

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Very specific prayer request from my mom

Here’s the story: I am a poor pill taker. For many years I couldn’t get myself to swallow any pills, then I learned to take small pills, starting with the ones for my chronic low thyroid condition. Now I need … Continue reading

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Praise and Thanksgiving – an update from my mom

I have to tell everyone what a wonderful caregiver Heidi has been, I’m prone to becoming irascible and impatient when I can’t do things my way, and she has been more than a match while still able to lovingly see … Continue reading

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What it is kid – oh how I love you so!

If you were here with us, you would smile at his soft voice, heart-shaped face, feathered blond hair just a bit long in a cool way, too-big little red sweatshirt sleeves crumpled at his wrists, with an ease I am … Continue reading

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A Way Through

I woke up at 6:45 this morning, after only three hours sleep, body taut like a spring, my ears ringing from anxiety, ousted from a dream I can’t remember. I had no reason to be up, but I could not … Continue reading

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Day 21 – Positive Journaling

At bed time last night, the older kid said I’m always either “getting things done” or on my laptop. He has a point. Since we’ve returned to Illinois to help my mom while she does what she can figure out … Continue reading

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Update from Grandma Helen

Back today from a trip to Zion for the second chemo in this round, then next week off and going back March 29. The Physician’s Assistant that I met with was very optimistic. He said that I looked way better … Continue reading

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Day 20 – Positive Journaling

Boys in the yard whittle sticks into arrows, sun sliding down their backs, its westward march a dusk-maker, cool-wind-shaker, lifting unbrushed curls and auburn feathers off the necks of children. Mothers watch and don’t watch, talk and fall silent, laugh … Continue reading

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Day 19 – Positive Journaling

My husband called to tell me he got our paper work in to the folks who are preparing our taxes. I was to gather only one bit of information about health insurance premiums, which I did. A few hours later, … Continue reading

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Day 18 – Positive Journaling

Moon light, night air, alone on the back porch. Near silence, nothing on my mind. Coffee, fresh baked cookies, soft couch, warm blanket. A poem, easily written, carried me deep into the joy of this moment of gentle aloneness. Though … Continue reading

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