Monthly Archives: October 2010

Hedgehog, Grace and Gluten Free Cake

Every other Saturday, as part of our Children’s Theater Company, I teach a virtues class for five to eight year old children. They’ll be performing The Ugly Duckling, a musical, in February. Between now and then, every Saturday, from 1-5pm … Continue reading

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Don’t Do This Anywhere Ever (revised)

I, a newlywed, alone in our 2nd floor apartment one afternoon, felt adventurous (though sadly uninformed) and domestic. Catfish couldn’t be that too hard to prepare…right? Pan on burner, add fish, a bit of oil, heat, all set. In no … Continue reading

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Oy Momma

Can you feel that first wave of tired, the point when rest would come easily, sweetly, where you’d sleep through the night, and wake wonderfully refreshed, ready to take on a new day? Is no one else needing your attention? … Continue reading

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Childhood Lessons

1 – When baking, especially in a group, if you have to sneeze, turn to your sleeve. Do NOT aim for the ceiling. 2 – Don’t use big words at school. Class mates may accuse you of showing off. 3 … Continue reading

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Clever Girl?

I saw my mom head out the back door of our garden apartment carrying a full laundry basket and a box of Tide. In a brilliant flash of mischievous genius, I darted to the back door, pulled the security bar … Continue reading

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Seeking Love Letters

Dear Mom and Dad, I am your sunshine hope light I am your trigger anger plight I need your acceptance respect delight I hide from your backhand flat hand fight Love, Abused child Dear A Kind/Strong Adult, Can you help … Continue reading

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The Long Answer to “How Ya Doin’?”

Distracted, spacey and almost content. Uninteresting but talkative. I’m learning how to write while young boys scatter legos, flip through glossy instruction booklets, sing the repetitive songs dancing in their thoughts. Learning as in haven’t learned it yet but I’m … Continue reading

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unedited letters given a chance to speak

sad content with changes hopeful ready for long afternoons quietly waiting for take off lyrics ignored for a song’s sound feeling on my skin in my jaw now small boys know (the first part) held back tears leaped into his … Continue reading

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Wisps to Love By

When I scroll down my email contact list, I see “Jessica Harries”. She took her own life a year ago. From a distance I watched her become a beautiful adult. I wish I’d tried to spend more time with her … Continue reading

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Dairy! Dairy! Dairy!

Before I get started praising the wonders of dairy, and telling you how overjoyed I am to cross off my list of “can’t eats” anything derived from cow’s milk, I must give you fair warning. We are one of those … Continue reading

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