Monthly Archives: May 2011

silent symphony

Words the just-right syllables disappear as I reach for my pen I wonder if these poems I set out to compose intend to exist in verse or are they a message in my muscles and not words at all I … Continue reading

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Today, we rest in grandma and grandpa’s dark living room with its unfinished wood floors and wandering felines, a space that gently suggests I set aside my to do list. Matthew, mesmerized before pbs kids, plays with a space recently … Continue reading

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  When I pray in the morning, I have a list, certain people I consider beyond my family, goals I once again hand over to God. Often, half an hour of peaceful meditation, my thoughts ever returning to spiritual realms, … Continue reading

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A Gift For Matthew

Matthew danced all over our yard when dandelions and violets finally emerged after a long cold winter.  He gathered a handful of yellow flowers, placed them in a mini mug, added water and set them on our dining room table.  … Continue reading

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Waiting to Wander

  Living between empty walls, rolling with the wind in my imaginings of a near-at-hand future, grounded indefinitely, waiting. “Who will live here while we explore our country?” I wonder, allowing myself to not care just now. Mulched the garden, … Continue reading

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Speaking Without Words

The boy dancing in the middle asked if we could get the drums out after virtues class.  Drumming together turned out to be the unplanned second class, virtues: creativity and unity. For a few perfect minutes, while drumming with five … Continue reading

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Tucked in

“Mom,  when I grow up I’m going to create a potion that makes wings grow out of my back. I’ll fly and never own a stinky car.  It will be like having a super powered hover craft.  In winter, when … Continue reading

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Dear Mom,

I almost forgot about Mother’s Day.  No surprise.  I doubt your grandchildren even know today was supposed to be about us, their maternal figures.  I started this letter at the Baha’i Center when sunlight still graced our bit of globe, … Continue reading

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writing now

edge of my seat, screen precarious on denim-covered knees hummus, tortilla chips, grape tomatoes unopened herb salad, organic turkey maple yogurt, water, oj i arrived hungry only gotta second not the right time nor conducive to poetry, yet words rumble, … Continue reading

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Shave your legs? Why?

I woke up this morning wondering about the history of leg hair removal for women in the U.S. I did a brief google search, “history of leg shaving.” From what I can tell, popular opinion lays responsibility for grown, female … Continue reading

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