Monthly Archives: February 2012

Day 5 – Positive Journaling

Day 5 – I fell asleep easily last night, after finishing a book I’ve been reading to the boys for weeks. I woke nine hours later to a bright and beautifully clean bedroom. For several nights I’ve been waking every … Continue reading

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Day 4 – Positive Journaling

Day 4 – Reading the first three days of my positive journaling, one might be under the impression that our family just plays all the time. Though we do our best to make everyday sweet, which usually involves either having … Continue reading

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Appointment with surgeon (written by my mom)

Yesterday (Monday) I had a follow-up appointment with the surgeon. It was scheduled for 1:30 p.m. We left about 8:00 a.m. to allow for traffic tie-ups, but there weren’t any so we were at his office by 11:30. I checked … Continue reading

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just another face

It means more than it ever has, to sit in a cafe, alone. Different than a break, time for myself, or a moment to straighten out my sidewaysness. I’m not tilted, it’s all one motion; their table-top voices colliding with … Continue reading

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Day 3 – Positive Journaling

Day 3 – At 12:30pm yesterday we arrived at the local Baha’i Center for a monthly Game Day that happened to be during Ayyam-i-Ha. Now a bit of background. Over the years, game day has been informal, held whenever my … Continue reading

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Day 2 – Positive Journaling

Day 2 – Yesterday, at a multi-family game night, the boys and I enjoyed ourselves immensely. I sat with a group of fellow home school parents and watched them play MTG. Between turns, we talked about whatever funny, random, in-common … Continue reading

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Day 1 of 21 – Positive experience journal

In the spirit of being a good student of what I believe to be sound science, I will be posting a journal entry each day for the next few weeks, beginning today. Each entry will be about something positive that … Continue reading

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before we head home

We’ve got a few minutes, just you and I. A few words at Starbucks between key clicks will do. I took a picture to mark our first date here. You with that small, beautiful, smile. We’re not doing anything unusual. … Continue reading

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I can always write you, tears, sunshine windows, gently returning appetite, slow dance with life, my heart spread out like fire, like water, beating again and again, because it just does. I could sing you fears, peripheral ache I ignore, … Continue reading

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Homeward Bound?

Didn’t have much to say until now because I came here on a weekend when much of the staff is off. Things really start hopping around here on Monday! Physical therapists and doctors and occupational therapists and activities coordinators popping … Continue reading

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