Monthly Archives: January 2010

A Beginning

If I were eating smoked salmon and goat cheese at home right now, it would taste like a jubilant wild song, unedited conversation, a wide open room with flowers and lots of bright noises just beyond the edge. If I … Continue reading

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This Moment

I’m sitting cross legged, white satiny slippers still on my feet, on the soft white living room chair from Grandma Amy. I’m still in my pjs at three in the afternoon, resting, eating, trying to hold off a cold. Over … Continue reading

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Though I didn’t want to think it, I did. I thought I needed a perfect space to write, a clean house, quiet room, clear beginning mind, desire to write at that moment. Well, not write, but write well. Until now, … Continue reading

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Mrs. Rogers

Mrs. Rogers thick, rich accent came from growing up in the south I’m sure. She sat straight in her teachers chair at the front of the room, the east wall, in front of the chalk board she used often. If … Continue reading

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Speaking Presently

Kitchen timer click ticks consistently form it’s perch on the back of the stove, keeping time for the experimental blueberry muffins in the oven. I’m in the funk I get in at this phase of any effort, the beginning after … Continue reading

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Cafe days

I look all around me at the campus cafe. Each in his own world, face engaged in the study of their choosing or some requirement needed to get there. It’s Important work, studying. Studying for a degree, that symbol of … Continue reading

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A long story to tell about a window

From the day after I turned 17 I waited tables, up until Devyn joined our family. I tried a few other things, but always went back to the fun of visiting a few minutes here and there with regulars, cheap … Continue reading

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Telling on Myself

Can you feel that first wave of tired, the point when sleep would come easily, sweetly, where you’d sleep through the night, and wake wonderfully refreshed, ready to take on the new day? Is no one else needing your attention? … Continue reading

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One of us just walks away…for good. I have your number for a time, your new address, a few memories of your face with the back drop of new walls, your new home in this odd and unfamiliar little town … Continue reading

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Over There

This one better write itself or nothing will be laid on this page. I want to write about how different DFW Texas and Mississipi are from Central Illinois in matters of socializing, either with a friend or with a new … Continue reading

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