Monthly Archives: August 2011

Predicting the Future

Naked boys, like bullets of cute dart everywhere at once An age of modesty comes later He’ll trade in pastels for punctuality We’ll say he’s maturing well not like an egg, but a flower Soft, red petals atop a thorny … Continue reading

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poetic rant

I came to the edge-of-town Starbucks to be near the open road I came to feel moonlit wind on my face Head tilted skyward, eyes closed, tears press forward Every inch is still so damn planned out here until only … Continue reading

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Namaste – The spirit in me respects the spirit in you

The lingering point (for me today – tomorrow may be another revelation) from the most amazing talk ever*, is this: We do not see ourselves as we are. We see ourselves as we think other people see us. Whether I … Continue reading

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evening blues

Smooth jazz, iced decaf warm, humid, windless hour before dusk I am perched beneath a sheltering canopy and a hundred grey clouds ready to burst Ash trays on empty tables vacant chairs for company A tall girl with an orange … Continue reading

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Writing through it

I don’t mean to be afraid of thunder, lightning, and heavy rainfall. I don’t want to be nervous about sharing this detail of my emotional life. Superstition snakes in, telling me that spilling my thoughts will give them form and … Continue reading

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Transition to RV life – Q & A for Janie

June 22nd we started moving into our RV. We’re living in a campgroundsĀ  ten miles from our house and the towns where most of our family lives. Our departure date is October 21st. We’re planning to head southwest, spending the … Continue reading

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I look across the kitchen table at my eleven year old son, and in a moment of grace, I forget our growing pains, his manifested discontent, that I’ve been cloaked in my own frustration all morning; a discomfort triggered by … Continue reading

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Day One, again

Not blocked. Waiting. Nearly identical. I came to Starbuck’s end of last summer. Early evenings, my time to write. I was on assignment. Thirty posts in thirty days. Try. Revise, rest, get feedback, revise again, publish. Time bent for my … Continue reading

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When I (feel I) have done all I can for the time being, I am good. Centered, content, joyful, skipping down side streets, possessed of a light, swaying step, singing along with my eyes closed, a companion of every emotion, … Continue reading

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I have been silenced by transition I go mute, for if you see me my world will crumble (I have seen it happen) You will know I am made of paper I’ll speak later, at the other side of time … Continue reading

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