Monthly Archives: April 2011

A Perfect Afternoon in Tennessee

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i could be

write me a cool night, windy jacket zipped, sleeves pulled down hints of yesterday’s storm drizzling nothing really call it solitude beneath a starless haze add a distant city bus and a thousand tires rolling through downtown an omelet made … Continue reading

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Incomplete Meditation

I don’t like waiting and loose ends, but I appreciate the outcome of determination balanced with patience. I like singing along. I like warm sunny days followed by cold snuggly nights. I like when brothers appreciate each other, faces contorted … Continue reading

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My husband and I have admitted that as long as everyone in our family is safe, our house burning down would feel like a blessing… once we all recovered from disbelief. We hang on to so much useless-to-us stuff, letting … Continue reading

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Between Bouts of Detachment

Dreams require errands and chocolate has replaced cigarettes… almost. I imagine you there, reading, but not hearing the same music I write to. In a moment of discouragement I wonder if we ever connect to another living soul. In a … Continue reading

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Day Three of 30 – Purge Journal

I spent three slow hours at the library this afternoon. My son was in Pokemon league and I was a fixture in a beautiful cafe surrounded by walls of windows. I investigated educational sites for home schooling, periodically eyed my … Continue reading

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Follow up to a “boring” warning

I’m on day two of 30 for getting rid of at least one of (ideally more) our possessions each day. Today I gathered up a garbage bag full of winter coats and misc clothing, drove it to Goodwill, then sold … Continue reading

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I thought of setting for myself the task of writing another 30 blog posts in 30 days. Then I realized I don’t want to, or rather, I want to focus on clearing our house of every extra instead. Mercilessness is … Continue reading

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Boots, Fools, Cookes and Dogs Are On My Mind

I’m sitting in a cafe, owned by the bakery that produces our gluten free recipes. Fringy suede boots on for fun, fresh decaf latte and six beautiful almond chocolate chip cookies (I can eat) are inches from my right hand. … Continue reading

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