Monthly Archives: September 2009

Parvin and other souls still living among us

What do the old ladies do at 3 in the afternoon when they can not see to sew or read or drive, when they can not stand to watch another minute of tv, when they remember a young friend, call … Continue reading

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Where I live

I am far away from here. I fly in an emptiness full of space and big sky blue. I see not birds, hear not crickets hum at dark. I am on a journey. I pass by no years to this … Continue reading

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Grandpa, “Matthew, how do you eat an elephant?” Matthew, “How?” Grandpa, “One bite at a time.” Matthew, “You got me with that one grandpa.” This he said with a surprised, amused and respectful smile.

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I said…

Funny, I can’t think of a thing to say, but let’s see how long this entry gets okay? My mind is happy to flip around the internet aimlessly, looking in to a bit of this, a bit of that. On … Continue reading

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An incomplete but incredibly helpful list!

ALL I WANT TO DO RIGHT NOW IS COMPLAIN…so I will now share every good thing that comes to my mind of our lives today. I enjoyed time with Devyn this morning before Matthew woke up. We prayed and read … Continue reading

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It’s pretty outside the car window

Movin’ right along. One day follows the next and each morning I wake up, a new adventure unfolds. Sometimes it’s as simple as a house cleaning expedition, to see if I can get all my hoped for chores done with … Continue reading

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