Monthly Archives: November 2010

50,520 words later…!

I decided to take on the NaNoWriMo challenge. Every day since November 1st I’ve written a little more of a first draft of my fist book. The only exception was the day of Joe’s funeral. I finished today! By the … Continue reading

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Spontaneous Fellowship Saves the Day!

Last Monday, a creeping unpleasant feeling worked it’s way behind my eyes. This wisp of foulness increased slowly but steadily until, by Wednesday, I was trying not be sour about the Holiday weekend. In our home, traditional Holidays were ignored. … Continue reading

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grouchy momma fades in real time

walking sideways baking apple cider cake/writing because I have to messing up knock knock jokes dog sitting/grandpa checking/too much just this moment/okay before and after now precious boy follows me around the kitchen, standing still in my path my smile … Continue reading

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When I Learned Sexism Touched My Life

SEXISM 1. discriminatory or abusive behavior towards members of the opposite sex I was 26 and independent, sitting on a curb outside Whole Foods on a cool summer night, chatting on my cell, sipping an iced cappuccino. Shaun was talking … Continue reading

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coming through

unaware I am breathing sun dust placeless invisible free of me no reflection time sleeps ash hangs beneath billows ringlet rainbow descends cities storms windmills palace of swirls I fly see nothing save purple teal sky streaks pinwheels dance splashing … Continue reading

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Shave your legs? Why?

I woke up this morning wondering about the history of leg hair removal for women in the U.S. I did a brief google search, “history of leg shaving.” From what I can tell, popular opinion lays responsibility for grown, female … Continue reading

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Our desktop computer seized up in the middle of his library game, again. When he wandered past me on his way to the kitchen, I remembered. I got him dressed while he slept, we spent the morning out. Not a … Continue reading

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Children part 2

wrapped in our universe between musical notes gliding along time a dance for tea invisible swords heroes illusion pirate evolves surprise attack whistle out, whistle in wide eyed rapture wanders tip toeing seeing beyond hours curled on mother’s lap melody … Continue reading

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Children draw glittery rainbows drip glue give gifts giggle hug swing jump tell stories cry fast love love see cloud unicorns mothers eyes sidewalk stones faces a long way daddy’s arms hidden cake music cloud angels possibility hear silence grandma’s … Continue reading

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Embarrassing, Funny

I woke from nightmares before dawn. I couldn’t get back to sleep. I’ve spent the day being slow, meditating, writing first thoughts, trying to shake and work through some of the bad dream triggers. Not a usual activity to begin … Continue reading

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