Update from Grandma Helen

Back today from a trip to Zion for the second chemo in this round, then next week off and going back March 29. The Physician’s Assistant that I met with was very optimistic. He said that I looked way better than he expected after reading my medical information, and that not having very severe chemo side effects in the early days of treatment was often a good predictor for continuing to have mild side effects and, if I understood this correctly, for possible tumor shrinkage. Karen can correct me if I got this wrong.

So now I’m looking at one more round of treatment starting March 30, and then scans to see what the cancer is doing. I can remove my buddy the space age surgery collar on April 9 and they have to wait for that to come off before they can scan again, plus I think they also might need to wait a bit after the last treatment to get accurate results, so I’m guessing the scan will happen in mid- or late-April.

Meanwhile I’m doing well at Heidi’s home and getting better at moving around, i.e., walking, reaching for things, etc. She helps me make sure I’m taking my usual supplements, plus I’m adding in the ones my Care Team advises and also checking out another product we’ve hard is very good, so maybe the cancer will get the message that it is definitely not welcome here, and just go away! (Like the picture Devyn drew of a line of cancer creatures marching out of my body.)

A friend told me that my updates on these Care Pages are really helpful to my friends and I have to say that having a place to write to you all is very very helpful to me. It clarifies my thoughts and focuses my feelings and reminds me that God’s love is coming to me in many unexpected ways.

That’s all for now. Love and hugs and prayers.


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5 Responses to Update from Grandma Helen

  1. Long healing prayer every day of the Fast for you.

  2. janet says:

    Sounds like good progress! We gave my once/doc, The China Study, for Ayyam-i-Ha! He was taking it with him on a trip yesterday to his daughter’s-to read on the flight, I guess. He does not have any confidence in dietary assistance particularly for healing/treatment. Forks Over Knives was created after the producer read The China Study-on Net Flicks if u haven’t seen it-or available online to purchase. Very interesting stuff.
    So glad to hear good progress!

  3. Amy Felty says:

    So good to hear from you, Helen. Dottie and I both send our greetings. We are both praying for you in the Shrines of the Bab, Baha’u’llah, and Abdul’Baha. Tomorrow we are going out to Bahji on our free day to have more time at the Shrine of Baha’u’llah and will continue our prayers.

    Much love, much strength, and more love!
    Amy and Dottie

  4. Nora & Tamon says:

    Sending prayers and love.

  5. mickey says:

    Sounds really good. I’m glad to hear that your symptoms are mild. Keep up the good work, and good attitude. Prayers and love to you. Mickey and Tim

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