
I was nervous, but there was nothing to worry about. The kids in our children’s theater company absolutely rocked at dress rehearsal today! They spoke clearly, stayed in character between lines, and nailed every song.
I could get hooked on the look of triumph that crosses a child’s face when they finally get it, understand what a line means, and deliver it right on time, perfectly in character, especially if the child has been doubting themselves.
Another brick of belief in their own abilities is added to the foundation of their lives.
Intermission was a big party of smiles and high fives. We got carried away in the green room and hushed by a more level head on staff. She reminded us we better contain our enthusiasm during opening night, as the audience would lose the solemnity of the show created up to that point. Next weekend, when we’re in front of people who paid to get a seat, people who haven’t walked this road with us week after week, I’ll do my part to keep the kids focused and harness their inner resources in order to maintain energy through the whole show, but right now, I can’t keep quiet!
HAPPY DANCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We welcome prayers and good thoughts for success during the next two weekends of shows.

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One Response to Yes!!!

  1. Amy Felty says:

    The kids will no doubt do a fine job. The CTC is such a wonderful experience for them to be “publicly important”: delivering lines in front of an audience, hearing audience reaction, and learning to support one another in maintaining the mood no matter what happens on stage or in the “theater.”
    It will be good to see and hear them!

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