Dually Written/update from my mom

Hi Friends,

This is Heidi, slowly taking dictation for my mom. (I’m slow, she’s not) She says, โ€œI’m sorry I haven’t written anything for a while. I’ve been having pain issues these last couple weeks, but the good news is, I got the surgical collar off and am doing okay without it. I’m going back to CTCA tomorrow for more treatment, so it may be several more days before I’m up to writing much.

โ€œPain or no pain, I’m grateful for everyone’s prayers and support.โ€-end dictation.

She also asked me to write a bit of whatever I felt like sharing.

This morning, my mom drove for the first time since the neck surgeries. Turns out the pain in her arm (which has been gradually getting better), rather than any neck issues, was the greatest challenge. But she did run two errands, then came home and promptly took a three hour nap.

I have other thoughts and stories, but not for today.

Let’s do a Q & A post, focused on but not restricted to her health and related matters, like “How’s Mr. Bob?”. If you would like, ask a question(s) in the comments, and we will write a post of answers within the bounds of what we’re willing to share publicly.

I may get a talking to for this idea ๐Ÿ˜‰ It’s okay though, she’ll enjoy the virtual “hanging out” aspect.

Later Gaters (written from Shreveport),

Helen and Heidi

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6 Responses to Dually Written/update from my mom

  1. Nancy McKee says:

    Prayers continuing, my friend! It’s good to hear your updates.

  2. Zivar says:

    Thank you Heidi and Helen. It is good to hear how you are!

  3. Jan Moslehi says:

    Doing errands is always a good excuse for a nap, but who needs an excuse for a nap? Thinking of you daily and praying for dignity and strength for you. JM

  4. Marge Wilson says:

    You’re in my prayers in Alaska. Keep getting stronger and healthier.

  5. Nancy Osterhoff says:

    A milestone – driving a car and losing the neck collar! Good for you.

  6. Amy Eades says:

    This is good news & it’s also real progress. I hope treatment goes well. Looking forward to seeing you when you’re home & rested up. Love & prayers ~ Amy

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