what comes to mind (written in January)

I couldn’t know he was/we were going to be a certain gift,
broken love, friendship forever. One summer dusk,
tattered denim cuffs hanging off the curb, me watching as B,
straight blond hair hung over grey eyes,
taught himself to play guitar in the glow
of a Burger King sign and the old clock tower,
each slip of carefully picked sound a ribbon of silk,
as he taught me how to find my melody, open with it,
free my voice, with no further explanation,
no self-abnegation. I could earn a smile, an impression
that imperfection paled in the face of harmony.

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veiled tale (written in March)

It is what I would write when you’re not looking
that I need to say, pressing through the still night air,
not whispers or wisps, but transparent shadows,
their voices the barely-wind, hawk’s call, promise,
long low breath of flute song, a thing being crafted.
I never tell this story.

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letting my heart be heard unedited (written in March)

I don’t even know why I’m crying except that I have to because something hurts so very much, something with a name that I cannot reach. I just turned off the porch lights so the neighbors might not see me out here crying. I know it’s not nothing nor exhaustion. It has a form. A thing from long ago. I’m so grateful to be alone right now, me and my soft flute music. Me and my laptop. There’s a time for me and my children, me and my husband, me and my parents, me and my friends. A time. Oh, this hurts! It’s pulling up from inside, pouring out of my eyes. Tired. Yes, I’m tired. On the outermost edge of panic but managing to stave it off. Sleep will do fine. Prayers with David. Reading on my own. Inner permission to do nothing in particular tomorrow. Here and there I feel parts of my body tensing, then I realize they are simply slightly tenser than the rest. A bath maybe. Better, a small bit, from crying. I’m determinedly trying to do the right thing at every turn, but I see that right now the right thing is to step away, if just for a few hours.

I have never been so grown up and it’s hard, but in the doing each minute, when I can complete a task with relative ease, I don’t realize the effort involved. Bit by bit, day by day, it’s adding up. I give myself permission to be quietly responsible for only my children and myself. Another day I can add again my mother whom I love very much, another day, hopefully many years from now after she has healed and seized every opportunity a second chance provides. Hopefully. But that is not why I cry right now, not from the not knowing for her. I am in tears from losing track of something that must be tended. Day by day, I will again be able to give that temporarily lost thing a name, just like I did in October when I first found it among the Ozarks. Just like that, only however it will be at the time, a something new.

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cookie circle

cookie circle


I smell everything cookies rising in the oven.
Cinnamon, raisin, walnut, chocolate chip.

I made them and I didn’t.

Measure, dump, mix, pour, shape, heat,
cool at a prompting beep.

Not till, water, weed, witness,
pluck at perfection.

My company was the dishwasher’s hum,
boys’ matters, a song recorded, roof, walls,
rectangles of light on shag carpet.

I missed sweating in the sun, sore shoulders,
dirty fingernails, blistered hands, a cooling breeze.

I now enjoy a plateful with coffee (another story)
out here on the back porch,
grateful for wordless cooperation.

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we have kansas sun before dusk
lighting our westward trail,

a case of water, racing winds
calling through open windows
this is what you prayed for

easy laughter,
food in a purple plastic box,
booster packs of gaming cards,
a funny smile on dad’s face,
appreciating of his sons’ antics,

dirty bare feet, stretches of silence,
orange juice in emptied ozarka bottles,
long, slow conversation,
crumby blankets,
bare pillows, boy questions in still-little voices,

every now and then
i-love-you-glances passed
between mom and dad,
and countless miles
of road to cover



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pouting penned and passing

All I’ve got is this deep down whine,
started right after I thought,
for a brief moment, I was first up,
about to enjoy time alone in the morning,
just as I heard the sighing stretches,
creaking boards, soft good mornings
from a ways off and too close.

Prayer helped, but I’m still lopsided,
take too long to smile, anything but reasonable.
I’m honest, keeping quiet, showered,
feet up, clicking keys, sipping coffee,
halfway between a few silent tears
and the slightest relief
as accurately-reflecting words
line up right here
to tell of the obscuring haze
I’m aiming to clear.

Guess I better wake up earlier tomorrow.

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that place

Some kinda everything has been building
for days, creeping in the quiet,
staring back at me from empty corners,
cluttered walkways, confused strangers,
sunshine hot, thick-damp, a musty cabin,
too short shorts in the frozen food aisle,
makeup caked on tanned faces

but it isn’t even that (I was only noticing,
Why are their boyfriends in old t-shirts?).
Holding steady, looking out like a twitch-tail cat
who will not leap for that is not kindness,
but the old grief begins to spill,
its edges formed only lately
in the doing so much, in the waiting to hear,
in a tethered place of not-me-

the hanging on serene, just long enough.
It is in these slowed down days,
distractions few, duties fewer,
life’s wounds begin to mend,
first with a healing crisis.

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for this moment

We require very little really;
clean water, good food,
a place to hide from the elements,

regular physical, loving contact
with other human beings,
a time each day to get so quiet
we can hear our own mind and then
only a blessed rhythm (time with God)
our connectedness with every atom,
but quiet, a Divine lullaby,

a creation, even a minor notion materialized
as a beat drummed out against the edge
of the dining room table,
a dinner prepared perhaps,
or a quilt for our niece,
and adequate rest.

We are in our mobile Day Cave this afternoon, an air conditioned shelter behind thick curtains drawn to block a southern sun from baking us, or rather seeping into our skin through windows that, other hours, let in views of the varied beauty of our nation’s landscape.

We’ve acknowledged each other kindly, prayed for guidance and assistance, together, made a couch beside the food boxes, a temporary retreat.

I have chocolate chips, coffee, orange juice, computer, my feet up, a haven from the world for a spell. One son sleeps beside me, the other content with a long turn on the ipad. Dad sleeps too, after a long
night of work. For this moment, we have everything we need.

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a few words

I like a sun that slips onto night like a cloak,
reminds one of nothing as it gathers momentum
covers a giant slice of sky with fresh brilliance,
light-bathed blue, a canvas of new day.

I close my eyes into remembering I have not created me, praying for guidance on matters threaded through days recent, weighty hours, waiting hours.

Driving from Dallas to Houston, I look for my voice.
Harry Potter keeps the boys company in back,
my husband and I shift easily from silence to banter
and back again to a quiet survey of the passing landscape,
slowly emptying a bag of chocolate chips.

This laughter we fall into, the original attraction
still weaving us closer together,
it saves me from a meditation of fear,
a compulsive rhythm of go-nowhere thoughts
I swear are the American tragedy for those of us
who have more than enough,
who needn’t spend the day gathering basic needs
before falling into bed each night.

Prayer too, asks me to hand over anxiety, so I do, for a while, but my shoulders may not always relax.

I’m getting to know myself out here on the road.

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after a time

Maybe we just need to say nothing for a while,
as the new day rolls out in bright strips.
I’m squinting into the sunrise,
not sure how long it’s gonna take, the rewiring,
letting go of repeatedly rotating within my mind
the contents of a future I cannot entirely control.

If the music has been turned off and our voices
held tight in a kind of sacred gesture,
when we pass a mossy pond,
I will only be considering the glint of sparkle,
art of water plants, how it is there because rain has filled
again and again a hole of unknown depth
and surrounding life has filled it with an invisible world.

If we are silent for a time, giving nothing,
not even a whispering sigh,
then years of unnecessary apologies,
given long before you and I,
memories of wounds I’ve inflicted carelessly speaking,
a recognition that I have been holding up barriers,
all begin to collect, and with a breath, deeply gathered,
slowly released, a portion of these pities glide away.
And when we, after a time, begin to speak,
I will be present.

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