Day 20 – Positive Journaling

Boys in the yard whittle sticks into arrows,
sun sliding down their backs, its westward march
a dusk-maker, cool-wind-shaker,
lifting unbrushed curls and auburn feathers
off the necks of children.

Mothers watch and don’t watch, talk and fall silent,
laugh and change subjects between pauses
in a single sentence, as if the interruptions of toddlers
persisted into the grownness of boys over eight
and almost twelve.

Night breeze, saving laughter in high-back deck chairs,
feet up because the porch ledge is there saying please relax,
nameless anxiety pulled up short, its tensing tentacles
retract with each involuntary giggle induced
by a peer-in-duty beside, shedding light on other matters;
favorite singers, making the story a page-turner,
daffodils in winter.

Here mothers are women who remember
again their ownness, and gradually, within each silence between friends,
spirits are lifted anew, to meet what is… that beautiful.



Day 20

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Day 19 – Positive Journaling

My husband called to tell me he got our paper work in to the folks who are preparing our taxes. I was to gather only one bit of information about health insurance premiums, which I did. A few hours later, I shared the requested figures with the accountant. As I hung up, a weight I hadn’t noticed before lifted from my chest.


Day 19

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Day 18 – Positive Journaling

    Moon light, night air, alone on the back porch. Near silence, nothing on my mind. Coffee, fresh baked cookies, soft couch, warm blanket. A poem, easily written, carried me deep into the joy of this moment of gentle aloneness. Though I posted the poem last night, as it describes truly the positive moment I chose to journal about, I decided to be a bit of lazy and accept it as today’s entry.Day 18


    generous solitude

    My music is life’s distant din, out here alone after dusk;
    traffic two streets east, a neighbor’s screen door slamming loose,
    the evening nothing settling warm and cool
    like lace on my bare arm, in March. I made coffee,

    strong after dark, daring, going to sip slow,
    leave a cool half cup unfinished by the end
    of this chapter called ease, while boys play quiet,
    the dishwasher hums, clothes rock clean in another era;
    matters beyond the porch door, inside, where I am not.

    That place is no breeze, no lantern light,
    no pressing-in-night of a singsong, soft-lullaby, sun-struck day.
    No, I am not in there, breathing shallow. I am hiding outside
    in my sharing place, generously giving the woman I am

    a whispering-while, fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies,
    legs under the softest blanket I’ve ever owned,
    feet tucked up, knees bent to one side, and a special waiting,
    as if this moment beneath the stars stretches into forever.

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    generous solitude

    My music is life’s distant din, out here alone after dusk;
    traffic two streets east, a neighbor’s screen door slamming loose,
    the evening nothing settling warm and cool
    like lace on my bare arm, in March. I made coffee,

    strong after dark, daring, going to sip slow,
    leave a cool half cup unfinished by the end
    of this chapter called ease, while boys play quiet,
    the dishwasher hums, clothes rock clean in another era;
    matters beyond the porch door, inside where I am not.

    That place is no breeze, no lantern light,
    no pressing-in-night of a singsong, soft-lullaby, sun-struck day.
    No, I am not in there, breathing shallow. I am hiding outside
    in my sharing place, generously giving the woman I am

    a whispering-while, fresh-baked chocolate chip cookies,
    legs under the softest blanket I’ve ever owned,
    feet tucked up, knees bent to one side, and a special waiting,
    as if this moment beneath the stars stretches into forever.

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    It’s not that I didn’t believe, or maybe that is the case,
    not believing. Then comes a day where it matters,
    but not literally. A time when right now happens
    whether I remember to look at the sky or not. I’m in it,
    completely. A combination of factors unsorted I call my life
    must contribute. In unconcern, I begin to believe and let go

    at the same time. The two-hundred acres, systematically written
    vision we’ve been moving toward in steps-intended
    and gifts that give us “Aha!” in the back of the neck,
    knowing, the kind one feels is close enough to touch
    if breath could be mastered, and eyes go out of focus
    a second to remember the future. So if we get there,
    because I’m here, I may be on the ground when the notion
    transpires, when our life is a tangle of service mixed up

    in handmade, homemade wonder, when lives touched
    are lives changed and community isn’t a catchphrase
    meaning good intentions at support if only. I felt all this
    yesterday, alone, in the driver’s seat of our jet-black Silverado,
    singing along to Simon and Garfunkel’s “America”,
    remembering a train ride where I watched the sun rise
    over middle Illinois, my hand penning poetry to tears
    dripping off my face. Idealistic youth, hellbent more like,

    but this is not the point. Crossing town in harmony
    with the great duo, I knew it would all come together if it does
    and when it does, I’ll be there and not here,
    looking back, simply aware that this is reality.

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    Oh happy day!

    I braved running errands with both boys this afternoon. As we set out, I calmly told them I would not be answering requests or most questions, so would they please do their own thing and follow along peacefully. Between the warm, sunshiny weather, strong winds, that I kept my voice conversational, and their willingness to go along with my plan, we enjoyed being together for two hours of “responsibility” and preference (a trip to the local Roastery for two pounds of coffee). And the boys got along, even when they disagreed.

    A bonus was my younger son helping me brush our eighteen year old cat after I gave her sub-q fluids. We were able to remove at least five clumps of matted fur from her side, clumps that were pulling on her skin. She was SO happy! M asked why. I told him we were grooming her like her mom used to do. This idea struck him as very cool.


    Day 17

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    in real time

    I’m sitting on the front porch being rebelliously imperfect.
    Bird song, cool-warm sixty degree breeze, overcast-brilliant,
    spring in winter. I don’t know how to right-side just now,
    so I won’t. I’ll close my eyes, listen to each avian call
    I cannot name and picture nothing. I am beginning to remember.
    I cannot choose imperfection. I am indeed, and in a sea of it. That’s better.


    Day 16

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    my blood pumps to the rhythm

    It’s not one moment I can pull out
    like a rabbit from a hat. African drums
    beating sunlight between matters of necessity,
    I’m alone in the smooth black truck I
    haven’t driven for weeks, hanging pandora
    out the window like a charm all day.
    An hour with nieces, family, laughter,
    moonlight, last night, so, so needed.
    And the silence gently hovering as I
    master memories for gratitude.
    Thank you God for slowing us down.


    Day 15

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    a good “gotcha!”

    Upstairs, two boys play Lego/pretend/great amazing battle in their pajamas. Grandpa comes over to deliver a few thing for grandma. A grand whiny tantrum erupts above. Little brother has either had enough being bossed, or simply wants his way, and now! I ask my dad to stand at the bottom of the stairs and I call up in a stern voice, “M! Come down here, now.”

    Stomping mad, a small child in a Batman shirt rounds the corner, flies past the curtain that keeps heat downstairs, swoops past grandpa with a pouting “What?”

    “I called you downstairs about your fit, and now you have to answer to Grandpa.”

    M realizes immediately that I’m using humor to help him snap out of his funk. He looks up at my dad and offers an enormous grin, skips over to him, latches a small arm around grandpa’s coat sleeve, swings his elder around, all while singing a song about how grandpa is coming upstairs with him. And grandpa follows, also smiling.

    Still arm in arm, M pulls my dad upstairs to welcome him into the Lego Kingdom.

    And there was great rejoicing!


    Day 14

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    Back From Zion/update from my mom

    Just came home from trip to Cancer Treatment Center, still feeling the effects of chemo last night. Right now my chemo schedule is:

    Week 1 — long infusion with two chemo meds
    Week 2 — short infusion with one chemo med
    Week 3 — no treatment

    I had just completed the long chemo when I had the surgery, so my oncologist decided that after such a long break he should start the cycle again. So Wednesday became Week 1. And I go back next week for the short chemo.

    All of which probably help explain why it hit me so hard this week. I’m really wobbly, and nauseas, but having not had to deal with nausea for a month had completely forgot to take nausea pills with me to Zion. We stopped by my house first thing when we came to town tonight to get those pills, so the situation should improve now.

    Heidi and the boys were wonderful helpers, it was a very big job for Heidi to take care of all of us at the same time but as usual she was great. And Karen will be able go with me next week. A superhuman feat in my book, because we have to drive to Zion the day after she arrives home from California where she’s been visiting daughters and new granddaughter.

    I realized yesterday that I’ve been confused in my prayers for healing because I haven’t felt that I deserved it. If you come from a seriously dysfunctional family like I did, that might make sense. It was a major awakening moment for me and has helped me feel more accepting of all the love and support I’ve received from all of you. Of course I deserve healing. As do we all! And I believe that God understands what I’m saying when I pray in a more honest way, without the baggage of shame that I grew up with and that He never intends for any of us.

    Love to you all,

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