a good “gotcha!”

Upstairs, two boys play Lego/pretend/great amazing battle in their pajamas. Grandpa comes over to deliver a few thing for grandma. A grand whiny tantrum erupts above. Little brother has either had enough being bossed, or simply wants his way, and now! I ask my dad to stand at the bottom of the stairs and I call up in a stern voice, “M! Come down here, now.”

Stomping mad, a small child in a Batman shirt rounds the corner, flies past the curtain that keeps heat downstairs, swoops past grandpa with a pouting “What?”

“I called you downstairs about your fit, and now you have to answer to Grandpa.”

M realizes immediately that I’m using humor to help him snap out of his funk. He looks up at my dad and offers an enormous grin, skips over to him, latches a small arm around grandpa’s coat sleeve, swings his elder around, all while singing a song about how grandpa is coming upstairs with him. And grandpa follows, also smiling.

Still arm in arm, M pulls my dad upstairs to welcome him into the Lego Kingdom.

And there was great rejoicing!


Day 14

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One Response to a good “gotcha!”

  1. janet says:

    nice job!

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