Day 10 – Happily mistaken, twice

Day 10 – All I wanted to do was take a nap, wander into the bedroom, pull up the comforter and doze off. Not tired, just sleepy, in the land of being a woman once a month. I didn’t nod off, but I did yawn a lot.

Regardless, I was determined that the boys and I should go to at least a couple of the late afternoon drum performances at an all day festival I’d learned about the evening before. I figured my children would tolerate the experience, enjoy parts, but maintain (as they always have) that drums are just too loud. Getting ready to go, my younger son, who heard me tell someone about a drum circle in the late afternoon, skipped over to our djembes, and with a huge smile, asked if we could bring one or two. He was gearing up to be part of the circle!

Drums at the ready, we walked into the great performance hall lobby. Nothing looked right, but we also arrived five minutes before a session led by folks who use recycled material to create rhythm… so maybe they were setting up… in a smaller theater, but which one?

A quick look at the link assured me we had arrive six days early.

No wonder everyone was dressed up and sans drums.



I’m actually grateful we have more time to plan for it and invite friends. It’s also lucky that the one friend I did invite couldn’t make it yesterday. The best part? My son is still excited about going even though he has to wait.

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