Day 9 – Love and Willy Wonka

Day 9 – I tiptoed through a quiet house where everyone still slept at 10am when our friend came over to help with whatever we may need. She stayed until after 3pm, chopping vegetables for my mom, watching the boys while I went grocery shopping alone, played Legos with our younger son, learned all about the series we’re reading, only our older son bounced back and forth in “time” in such a way that only one who had read the books could follow. She gracefully extracted a detail here and there and asked interesting questions.

I made almond-butter brownies to be done before she needed to leave. Recipe emailed as requested. They really are a moment of near-perfection.

A couple hours before show time I decided we were to attend the final production of Willy Wonka. (I just realized that our life is mostly made up of families who are friends. There are no age lines to mark who’s friends with who(m?).) Anyway, two of our family-friends were involved in putting it on, and two of the children were part of the cast. Half an hour before we headed out the front door, I told two surprised boys to get dressed, that we were going to the theater.

At the ticket office, my younger son asks, “Mom, when you were little, movies were just black and white right?”(yikes!)

During the open musical number, I was asked by the shortest member of our family (same kid with a distorted time line), “When are they going to stop singing?!”

The second number was much flashier, dancier, bouncy-singinger. During this song he turned to me and said, “Mom, this is really fun!”

Our older son, having been the lead in a show last year, appreciated just about every moment and tried, for the first few minutes after the curtain went up, to tell me all of his observations. Fortunately I convinced him to hush so I could enjoy Willy Wonka in real time.

The show was so good neither child was ready for intermission or for it to be over almost two hours after we arrived. One bit of fun was enjoying our view from seats in the upper level.

We arrived home singing and dancing ourselves.

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