park poetry (written last August)

A few days ago I decided to challenge myself to write 30 blog posts in 30 days with the intention of not letting all my time get swallowed up by our transition to life as full-time travelers. Even fifteen minutes creating a nine line poem (regardless of quality) does wonders to keep me balanced.

Today, our time got swallowed up at the park, running around some, but mostly in the sand box digging a big hole, giving it strong sides, creating small streams within; the children that is, enjoying old friends and making new, all working together.

Keeping an eye on our sons, my friend and I walked around and around the playground, maybe two miles total, unloading all we had been carrying, not realizing we didn’t have to, until finally there we each were beside a kind friend with listening ears, and a story of her own.

For day ten, my poem, my thoughts, my memories visited were created in the air, mixed with sunshine and love.

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poetic craving (written last September)

I want to eat Chicken McNuggets (in a cardboard box, with honey mustard)
on a city bench beside a concrete fountain
and nothing else will do

Most days I crave red leaf lettuce, arugula
grape tomatoes, brown rice, lentil soup
and hummus sprinkled with cayenne
at dusk evening, in the glow of laughing children

But not when I want a cigarette, a memory of hiding
a weight lifted from my shoulders
one that cannot be cast off easily
one I would not give up without a fight

the gift of loving so deeply I might split open

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miles (written last September)

We roll past a wind farm, a dead raccoon
and a thousand acres of corn
beneath a cotton ball sky

Beside me, father and sons analyze Captain Jack
Black beard, Davy Jones, good, evil, relativity
projectile weapons, and loose, colorful, sash-wrapped fashion

Having nothing to add, I am the family recorder

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before the first song (written last September)

I’ve heard it called a “twang”
but this is inaccurate

Even a slow beginner
gently running her pick over a single string
creates a heavenly sound
one that cannot be captured
by language

Bent and bowed, fingers strained
to keep the shape of music
I am learning

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meeting quiet (written last August)

In the living room, four lone boxes sit beside the futon couch, four out of what felt like at least a hundred. A growing pile of give/sell is near the front door. Otherwise the house is empty.

So I sit before these unsorted few, full of bits that kept being put aside for later (later is now), and I make one small decision at a time. I check receipt dates, toss old gooey glow sticks, and make a stack to go with outdated files.

Then I get up, come to our green-tiled kitchen table – that will soon belong to another family – and I record a moment of closure.

By 5pm, I expect we’ll be down to three boxes.

I have never done a walking meditation, but I imagine it must feel very much like today.

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9/11 thoughts I would share if we were out for coffee

I hadn’t owned a TV in years. So on 9/11/01, I would have had to make a special effort to watch the news. Rather than go to a friend’s house in order to see, and not just hear about, what had happened, I purposely avoided all televisions until producers saw fit to finally discontinue replaying the hellish minutes that permanently mark time in the US.

I have yet to witness the Twin Towers crumbling in a cloud of human debris, melting glass, and cement-turned-to-chalk-dust, or the smaller horrors of that immense day. It was a matter of sanity. At that time in my life, it took very little to shatter the fragile healing I had managed after a childhood full of violent land mines.

I intend for memories of this catastrophic event to be only shadows in my mind’s eye (forever), unless we can retrieve and view the physical past once we’re dancing among angels. Even then I may decline the opportunity.

I could go on at length about childhood trauma being revived in the wake of the attacks, and how I fell apart between breaths. I could tell how my body didn’t know the difference between real fear of being attacked from foreign terrorists and old fear of being abused at home; both felt like hungry tigers at my door well into spring. But I won’t.

In the weeks immediately following the Terrorist attacks, I wondered how many other living ghosts wandered through their life hanging on by the few responsibilities only they could tend. For me it was raising my first son, then still a baby. I wondered how single people living “carefree” and alone did not go out of their minds in panic. I would have.

I remember the thin silver lining of the weeks following 9/11. Headlines focused on real people, heroic acts, the importance of family and unified effort- almost completely ignoring celebrities. Oh how I hoped that, forever-more, we might leave off being concerned with some actresses fashion fumble, or detailed reports of another athletes misconduct in a bedroom where he didn’t belong.

I don’t know if, over the last ten years, we’ve gotten better or worse in this regard. I did notice the lack of continued headline reporting on the earthquake victims in Haiti, what they still need, what is going well, and stories of their heroes. I haven’t seen anything about reconstruction in Joplin, how the folks in Missouri are supporting one another, or major reporting on how the recently displaced in Texas are getting through, But almost any hour of the day, I can pull up yahoo news and get a briefing on who rocked it on a red carpet.

I wonder if daily reading of Front Page, national stories of real recovery, service opportunities, and human triumph would give us a renewed faith in mankind, or rather, would help us develop positive faith in the reachable potential of every person to shine instead of negative faith in our collective ability to destroy.

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Dark Illinois highway (written last September)

Corn and forest shadows stretch on for miles
In the back seat, child is planning his life’s work
Books he must write, movies he’ll produce. Thousands!
Dad drives, listens, offers encouraging syllables
every few minutes
Little brother hides in his gameboy
thankful to be ignored
I look out at a starless night, endless white lines
and a few lonely lights on the horizon
quiet, lost in a world of what could be

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Aero (written last September)

Several tiny birds have hopped near my outdoor cafe seat. The moment they’re close enough to touch, a handful of these miracles glide away.

For want of wings, we strapped cloth and sticks
to our backs and jumped from high buildings
For want of flight, height, to soar
we risked our lives, until one day
a seat in an airplane became common
Our wish to be weightless, to eat a piece of sky
has not changed
Now we see, this rising above
speeding through clouds, is an internal act
a spirit journey
The physical plane will always have to land

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handle with care (written last September)

A person is never an only or just a anything
just a diner waitress spreads her soul on canvas
between lunch shifts, hoping (barely)
she can one day be more than
more than anything she’s ever really believed herself capable of
Her art is genius, hidden, safe under cover
She has heard easy opinions, hurled discouragement
flung in the air like sport, for a laugh
at the expense of an absent one
If her soul’s craft were to receive these darts
it would be the death knell for her dream
Not so much a dream though really
more of a must. She must paint
breathe out color, slow her mind, shed her tears
be wrapped in joy, right here
How many are like her? How varied their gifts?
How sad we should miss out for lack of verbal discretion
unaware our scattered assessments of imperfection
leave a trail of veiled beauty

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something to say (written last September)

Yesterday was day 28 of 30 posts in 30 days, an exercise intended to break a habit of silence during intense transition. I wrote nothing. I felt too shy, uncomfortable in my own skin. I still feel intimidated by the idea of speaking out loud. Still, I made a commitment to myself for this 30 days (for good reason), so today I will write twice, right through resistance that tells me I’m no one and had better keep my trap shut. Ugh. I just heard an old tape.

Observations –

-My lap is too small for him now. Eleven is well past when many boys try to make a nest in their mother’s lap, but my son is small for his age, loves to snuggle, especially on a cold, wet morning during family prayers. He kept sliding off. He has graduated. Fortunately, daddy is happy to hold his dear one. After prayers, our son put one stuffed animal after another on his dad’s bald head, asking, “Who is this?” Once each was accurately guessed, that animal found a lap seat until papa’s arms were full. It was Cowie, poor thing leaking stuffing out of her torn belly (must sew soon), that tipped the scale and sent animals careening back to the bed, courtesy of my husband’s wonderful playfulness. I should have taken a picture.

-Only one more load to leave the house and it will be empty of all but the items our renters are keeping. End of a year long process.

-I feel that facebook is almost as important an invention as the airplane. Regardless of the unpleasantness of certain personalities who will use any means of communication to tear down rather than build up, the potential for sharing valuable information, connecting people, saving lives, strengthening friendships etc, etc exists nowhere else that I am aware of.

Maybe later I’ll have my voice back.

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