park poetry (written last August)

A few days ago I decided to challenge myself to write 30 blog posts in 30 days with the intention of not letting all my time get swallowed up by our transition to life as full-time travelers. Even fifteen minutes creating a nine line poem (regardless of quality) does wonders to keep me balanced.

Today, our time got swallowed up at the park, running around some, but mostly in the sand box digging a big hole, giving it strong sides, creating small streams within; the children that is, enjoying old friends and making new, all working together.

Keeping an eye on our sons, my friend and I walked around and around the playground, maybe two miles total, unloading all we had been carrying, not realizing we didn’t have to, until finally there we each were beside a kind friend with listening ears, and a story of her own.

For day ten, my poem, my thoughts, my memories visited were created in the air, mixed with sunshine and love.

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