
I’m too tired to be articulate about this week, but need to share. Saturday my mom and I opened a chapter of the Children’s Theater Company which entailed 4 hours of children’s classes and 2 hours of parent introduction meetings. The connections and love were palpable. Others felt it too and said so. We’ve been working to get this project to the starting point for months…I’ll let my mom tell it.
Then this morning before my first baking class at Mettler Center, as part of the Baking Bakers (our new business), I was interviewed by local news channel 3 here. I was nervous but had a wonderful time. The class an hour later was even more fun as I spent time with 4 other women who have been working to figure out alternatives now that they or a close family member has had to give up wheat. Networking beyond the framework of the class happened and lots of laughter :). Of course baked goodies abounded, excellent reviews and hopefully new friendships.
Our new website, in it’s infant stages is

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One Response to Live!

  1. Bahiyyih says:

    Heidi, you’re awesome! That was a great interview! I’m so happy for you! Yeah! And thanks for the love. That was the sweetest. I’m all verklempt.
    Go, go go!

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