First thing

Silence that fills every space, sits with me, Prayer Book open on my lap.
Soft light simply is.
I know the small sighs I could hear were I to move closer, kneel beside a sleeping child.
For now I’m content to know the covers are pulled up over their shoulders, covers I’ve rearranged twice during the night as little ones twirl in their sleep at the calling of night dreams.
I am still half in their world of sleep, though my body is upright on the black couch by our front window.
Thoughts that closed in last night when I stayed up too long begin to untangle, form a clear picture for this new day.
Soon I’ll get up, make breakfast, rotate the laundry, sweep the kitchen floor, fold towels from the pile on the opposite couch.
But not yet.
If I knew how to play guitar, I’d walk to the corner, between book shelves, open the lovely black case, bring the guitar to my lap and listen to my fingers pray a melody.
I have the music of gratitude. Breathe in, breathe out, smile. I pray for the willingness to accept the prosperity in my life today.
With a prayer for guidance, I’m done for the moment.
A space opens wide.
I open The Hidden Words, listen to Baha’u’llah.
My first counsel is this: Possess a pure, kindly and radiant heart, that thine may be a sovereignty ancient, imperishable and everlasting.
Maybe some day, I think, some day.
Today I’m okay with progress not perfection.
Now let the day begin.

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