
In the small bowl, yeast, sucanut and water, once mixed, begin to foam.
In the medium bowl, an egg, agave nectar and oil settle into a blob no matter how long the electric whisk just worked them.
In the big bowl, flours, salt, baking soda, baking powder, xanthum gum, and flax meal are blended together to become one entity.
Now the contents of medium and small bowl go into the large one. They are mixed together well when a dough is evident.
Now into the breadmaker’s bread pan they go, sides of the bowl carefully scraped with a spatula. Then the mass is gently shaped.
The bread pan fits with a click into it’s counter top oven. Eighty minute quick bake begins with a series of beeps.
Eighty minutes later, a perfect loaf of bread is set on a plate then turned right side up and left to cool a bit.
Then we eat :).
In order for this to happen, the three bowls need to be clean and dry, as well as measuring cups, whisk, forks, spatula and the little oven pan. All the ingredients must be in the cupboards, fridge and flour containers.
In order for this to happen, someone must order a few items off the internet and go to a few different stores, walk the aisles, read labels, purchase the needed items then go home and put them away.
Before all this, a recipe is needed. Not the final recipe. That will come with learning, experimentation, more than one mistake and writing it down for future use. The recipe will change with experience, new ideas, suggestions from friends.
But when success is reached, the bakers smile while chewing 😉

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