Day 7 – Positive Journaling

Day 7 – I’ve deleted three opening sentences, each the beginning thought of a highlight from yesterday. Now I’m paused, fingers hovering keyboard, waiting for inspiration on how to continue. The inner voice says to make a list.


  • Snuggling under a fuzzy blanket most of the afternoon, eating chocolate, leftovers, reading blogs, and watching TED Talks.
  • The last drips from our one-cup, manual, steeping brewer (about a third of a mug of coffee) was rich and perfect with a splash of cream. The tall coffee beside it was excellent as well.
  • Picking my mom up for a monthly Baha’i gathering after she had decided to not go. Her change of mind consisted of, “I can feel lousy at home, or I can feel lousy with friends in a spiritually uplifting environment. I prayed on it and I feel it would be wrong to not go.” My mom is still teaching me.
  • During the devotional portion, my son’s reading (the next one on a sheet of readings, therefore not chosen), was about detachment not being about burning your house down, but rather not being emotionally attached to your belongings, but rich in spiritual things, virtues. (I may have mangled the quote here. I’ll add it later if I can find a copy) Anyway, it made my son giggle, and his brother too. They’re quite familiar with detaching from material possessions since we moved into a 27ft RV last June.
  • Later, at the same gathering, standing around with a few friends, my niece, and sister-in-law, rehashing the crazy circumstances before and after our second son’s birth, finding out more of another funny story from the same time period, and generally having a laughter-filled time discussing whatever engaging topics came up.
  • Watching the dvd of our recent Children’s Theater Company show. The sound quality was excellent, even though the kids were often speaking in regular voices. We skipped to interviews after the closing show. Such lively jolliness!


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