Best if read aloud in a Brittish accent :)

Meet Freddy. He’s big, huge, enormous! He sheds, drools, barks and wags. He lives in a small house owned by Little Man. Freddy takes up 1/3 of the house. Little Man Loves Freddy. Freddy lets Little Man use him as a bed and pillow each night. Freddy and Little Man play fetch with broom sticks on the prairie.
Little Man hates pickles. Freddy loves Little Man. Freddy loves pickles. Freddy and Little Man live 5 miles from town and travel by horse drawn wagon. Freddy actually only eats pickles, so Little Man built a storage shed next to the house. Once a month, Little Man travels to town, buys pickle barrels to fill the wagon. These he stores in the shed. This is better than traveling 10 miles a day to feed Freddy. Hmmmm….Freddy eats a lot.
Little Man misses Freddy when he’s outside eating. Little Man invites Freddy in to eat. Little Man breathes in and out carefully, adjusting to the horrid smell of pickles. Freddy eats with a consistent repetitive smack, smack, chomp, gulp, chug a chug a chew. Little Man finds he enjoys this new music. Soon he is doing a pickle jig. Love goes this way for Freddie and Little Man. By the second day, Little Man is used to the smell of pickles. By the 5th day he doesn’t mind the smell of pickles. By the 10th day, Little Man enjoys the smell of pickles…almost as much as he enjoys dancing.

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