didn’t, just in time

I was gonna feel sorry for myself, sorry as in pining for wants I must accept uncertainty about while I wait hopefully for the desired scenario to transpire. I decided to make deviled eggs instead. Water’s boiling now.
I was gonna slump on the couch and pout, then I rotated laundry. I found myself skipping down the hallway, wicker basket on my hip, lively as new possibilities/puzzle pieces formed in my mind.
I was gonna stick out my bottom lip, stare at blue curtains and wish for God to hurry up and show us answers to recent questions I obsess over, but just for tonight, I ain’t.
I added green olives to last night’s left over salad. I marvel at their strangely wonderful flavor and little pimento ribbons hiding inside.
I brewed a fresh cup of hot decaf, poured in organic half & half, an odd combination with olives, but warm on a cold March night.
I hear the swish-swish-whir of technology cleaning my boys’ clothes. I sip warm richness, organic, fair trade, shade grown, everything hip and humane. I await the first bite of a novice attempt at a country potluck favorite, those egg delights oddly named after a terrible figure with a pitch fork.
Tonight, what remains before I head off to bed, I’m gonna be alright… and well nourished.

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3 Responses to didn’t, just in time

  1. Amy says:

    This is so lovely, Heidi. I know all about that kind of struggle. You succeeded magnificently! Much love~

  2. Annie says:

    Lovely! Funny how we’ve inspired each other! Keep it up. 🙂

  3. Dina says:

    What a delight to read! It is so true that we each have a choice in each moment which road we will choose. How inspiring to hear your choices led you to such contentment while you wait for your answers. Thanks for sharing.
    Much love to you, Sweet Heidi.

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