Unexpectedly All About Food

Acquired yesterday…25lbs gluten free all-purpose flour, over 50lbs fresh picked apples.
Yesterday I chose to go to the apple orchard with my family and a few friends. Emily spent much time behind the lens, photo documenting the afternoon, capturing Aaron and the black kitten, boys stretching small arms to tree limbs, magic stretching apple bags that fit every apple our 6yr old brought to daddy, mothers, fathers and sons in midstep through a leafy lane and silly faces. I hadn’t slept much the night before so when we got home, though I wanted to bake apple something! for a potluck last night, all I could do was lay down, then eat chocolate and look at Open Salon (a new playground I’m enjoying very much). So I brought a vegan cheesecake I’d made a few days ago. No one complained.
Last night, after the potluck, after the boys were in bed, after I was in bed, though tired I did not sleep. No profound or racing thoughts kept me awake. I suspect it was the chocolate.
This morning I planned on going to the Farmers Market to help with a table promoting a childrens theater company I’m part of. Morning required a pep talk about logical consequences and keeping ones word but I made it there. Funny thing about sunshine, smiling, promoting a service people want and get excited about…I wasn’t tired at the market, only happy.
When I came home I intended to make cinnamon cookies and apple something! but I only had enough energy to sit. I’d thought about split pea soup last night when all were asleep and I wasn’t. Soup with organic carrots and potatoes, Rapunzel broth cubes, split peas and greens over fresh cooked brown rice with a bit of earth balance margarine.
After a 2 hour nap, more sitting and a mug of apple cider I went to the store for carrots and cashews. Once home I rinsed peas, chopped carrots and the few potatoes we have on hand (only a few since we’d made a large batch of homemade ff 2 nights ago), dropped in broth cubes and now I’m waiting for my husband to return with more potatoes so I can add them and start the soup. The rice just finished.
While waiting I put almond butter and homemade chocolate frosting on a spoon, wondering why I haven’t eaten such yumminess in over a year, then going back for seconds, thirds and fourths.
Soon the soup will be done and I’ll savor every rich warm spoonfull. I have images of getting up from my perch after that, baking apple something!, soaking cashews, freezing chocolate mints, but I’ll probably (hopefully) be ready to sleep.
Apples and flour can wait til morning.

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