What We’ve Been Doing

Mid December we left central Illinois and went on a seven day trek across the country, landing in our Southwestern camping spot where we plan to spend at least a few weeks.

My younger son was truly sad to miss out on snow, but lucky for him we spent a night in Flagstaff just in time for their first big snow, which collected on and around our RV all night. It took two people, navigating and shoveling, to get us out of our overnight spot.

I was more than nervous about pulling a trailer down into Phoenix but I was assured it was not so bad. Maybe not. However, I am SO grateful for the engine brake that kicks in on the inclines so long as the tow function is on. There was one 6% grade that lasted about 20 miles with very few level spots on the way south. Going back to Illinois I take the southern route, which is fine since we have friends and family in DFW, but that may not be for several months yet.

I love the odd selection in truck stops and gas stations

For the first time since last winter when we came back to Illinois to help my mom after she had neck surgery, we are relaxing and enjoying  having very few responsibilities. Just the everyday stuff like laundry, dishes, grocery shopping, picking fresh lemons, oranges and grapefruit from the fruit trees all over the campground.

Sunsets out here are fire in the sky and gorgeous.

Since arriving we’ve been to a huge Baha’i Conference (not why we came here, but good timing) and two local Baha’i gatherings. At a monthly area potlcuk/devotional gathering, a spontaneous sing-a-long/jam session started in the front room. Between three guitars, a violin, a djembe, a few other percussion instruments and on and off key voices we enjoyed a couple hours of spirit nourishment. Between these three events, we’ve made several friends and the boys are feeling right at home. Considering neither one was excited about leaving Illinois, this is a happy relief.

One day, a bit of rain fell and we were gifted a colorful, sunlit arch.

Not sure what our plans are beyond January, but I don’t mind. Our aim right now is to relax and so far we’re doing a fine job of it.


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