Monthly Archives: September 2010

I walked to Starbucks at Dusk

Click “Submit Abuse” if you feel this post is inappropriate. Explain why below if you wish. Cancel I prefer the grocery store to Starbucks. I’m sitting at a wire table outside of Schnucks, facing the sunset. There’s nothing special or … Continue reading

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Where I Am Right Now

It’s dusk. I’m pleasantly tired. I just woke up from a 30 minute nap. I could probably sleep all night but responsibility calls. We opened Soul Miners Children’s Theater company’s 2nd term today. This term I have a smaller role … Continue reading

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Try Again

I started this in an open office document, to be safe. I thought I was saving a partial draft and blip, it disappeared into a mysterious corner of my computer from where it may never emerge. It’s not in documents … Continue reading

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In Honor of Gavid Welch

Last night, I sat in my living room, staring at the computer screen, head slightly tilted, as if trying to hear written words speak aloud. “Our beloved friend and brother Gavin Welch passed away last night. He and his father … Continue reading

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2 of 30 How I Learned Racism is Real and Present

Yesterday I was frustrated every time I sat down to write. I went on an afternoon bike ride to see if I could unloose some insight. Here’s what came, “Write what you know.” I thought about this for a while, … Continue reading

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30 in 30 # 2

In January I wrote 30 blog posts in 30 days with the intention that some of the pieces may end up being rough drafts of possible pieces I could work with later, but I didn’t think about this while I … Continue reading

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The Day I realized Sexism is Real

Cool summer night on the north shore, sitting on a curb outside Whole Foods, I was 26 and independent. Shaun was talking about the moments of awakening participants experienced at a conference he’d recently attended, “The Equality of Men and … Continue reading

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Old Woman

What do old women do at 3 in the afternoon when they can not see to sew or read or drive, when they can not stand to watch another minute of tv, when they remember a young friend, call out … Continue reading

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Notes From Childhood

I was an every day skater by 7 years old. It started as many extreme life changes, with little knowledge of what we were getting into. I was 5. A neighbor gave me her daughters old ice skates. I was … Continue reading

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I’m Heidi Beth, What’s Your Name?

In November 1998 I had two pieces published in a small book put out by a writers group I was a part of. One has the same name as this post. Since joining OS exactly a week ago, I have … Continue reading

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