Monthly Archives: January 2010

Mommy now

I’m waiting for you she says. She waits. I’m waiting but I can’t hear you. She listens, hopeful. I’m waiting for you and I don’t know if we will ever meet again. She sets aside the wash cloth, picks up … Continue reading

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How I met fear

It was because of my neighbor across the street. He was the first person I was completely afraid of. I found out that he’d bent Jonah over the iron rail out front of his building, just to be mean. Jonah … Continue reading

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It started at the kitchen sink

From the kitchen sink at our house on Wiley I could turn my head to the right and see the back yard. We lived there 9 months. Let’s see, Devyn was 13 months old when we moved in. While we … Continue reading

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Giving up caffeinated coffee

I stopped over 8 years ago. In the sweet haze of first thoughts when the sun was new, bright and peaking through our black curtains decorated with jungle animals, an insight washed over me. This particular morning it was in … Continue reading

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I love you Grandma Katz

I wasn’t very old, still too young to be completely in my body. I was at a point where I walked around hollow, listening to my heart beat, listening to the empty space where I could not bear to think … Continue reading

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I lived in a trailer when I was 23

After midnight, I sat at the foot of my bed. The room was simple, no decorations. I was being helped by a friend of a friend who lived in a trailer in a small town surrounded by cornfields somewhere in … Continue reading

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Improv and burgers

For a few hours I was cool. I was at the raised round booth with a solid wood table at the south west wall of Yesterdays, a local and better quality TGIF type place. I was there with friends from … Continue reading

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Memories in Mr. Sohn’s Class Room

Mr. Sohn sang “Heidi Heidi Heidi Ho” slow and low almost every day as I walked in to his class on the first floor, next to the lunch room. I didn’t want to be noticed. I was 10, then 11 … Continue reading

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30 in 30

Copying the challenge of a friend who paints beautifully with water color, I’m challenging myself to write 30 blog entries in 30 days, and not just a run down of daily life, but pieces of writing. I risk being very … Continue reading

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