Author Archives: heidi

I wrote, “I remember,” then listened as the rest unfolded

I remember her coming in the front door, a full bag of groceries in each arm. Not the plastic kind that hang off your wrist and leave a long red dent in your skin. No, they hadn’t been invented yet. … Continue reading

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Day 4: Morning thoughts, half thoughts, something

I didn’t write yesterday or the day before because everyone is getting older and we all talk in complete sentences. That’s what I tell myself, but really I was too shy to try, to give the insights, memories, current observations … Continue reading

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30 Days of morning thoughts, day 1

When he got dressed this morning it became clear that Devyn needs new clothes, again. We’ve hit that point. For years, he could wear the same shirts for two or three years. My children grow as I did, steady and … Continue reading

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Her Answer

  I have held her after midnight while soft music rocks us back in time to the hiding places, the quiet spaces, the hours in contemplation and the cradle of no-mind as she creates word designs and curving colors formed … Continue reading

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warming up after weeks of silence

I came here to write. I said that’s what I was going to do, for the first time in weeks. I would sit alone at the spot (a cafe, small wooden table, the shuffle of casual doing all around, passing … Continue reading

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first graveside visit alone – there is no real separation

I visited her grave yesterday, a brown rectangular mound, stoneless and new. She was in the damp, cooling wind and the sway of the old tree’s leaves, the gathering dusk and blanket of clouds moving north above my head. Just … Continue reading

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shadow gift

  I can’t quite pen the autumn-turning trees the hawk that called heaven-hear-me-I-am-soaring as it sailed above my head. Tears filled my eyes at the glory of it all, the gentle work of my heart, from looking back and forth … Continue reading

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Broken open she says, I see you. These tears run quiet and again I am nowhere, waiting for the knowing to bloom, an ornament in my hands in the doing that must finally come to pass, a matter I have … Continue reading

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alone and listening perhaps

Where are the words, the ones I can often reach out and pull close enough to inhale and breathe out of my finger tips? Answer At a place in being, from which my heart gives up her truth, a way … Continue reading

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a manner of loving

Soft wind kisses, an unseen bird calls glory-chirp-glory-sweet-day, more tears well up beneath hazel rings. I’m ready to be alone long enough to settle back in to my skin after the long days soulful songs, a parting with familiar. (this … Continue reading

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