I was going to sit this one out. Lately I have been content. Yes, I get testy with my older son when he sings the same three words over and over for more than ten minutes. I'm not thrilled when my younger son thrusts his gameboy advance in my face so I can see something , "Really cool!" But I don't feel really annoyed. When I ask them to stop they do. For this I am grateful. I'm happily shielded from feeling truly annoyed by my children because I love them more than I knew was possible prior to making their acquaintance.
But after reading a couple other responses, I came to see I do have a list. Apparently I thought I was past being annoyed. Not so much.
What annoys me? Annoys and saddens. I will now speak in generalities, well aware of countless (thank God) exceptions.
1) Our towns are made up of a series of large boxes with locks on them. I'm grateful for the locks. I'm annoyed we need them.
2) Often, new mothers and fathers, home from the hospital with their precious infant, are left alone most of the time to figure out what to do next, left with a lot of confusing, conflicting advice (from friends, strangers, magazines and books) and little energy to cook desperately needed meals between diaper changes, feedings, calming tears and all the responsibilities they already had before baby emerged. I'm annoyed that new parents don't get enough physical, emotional and mental support.
3) Adorable babies become destructive toddlers become talkative children become know it all tweens become mouthy, disrespectful teenagers become adults who feel like children in grown up bodies who wonder if anyone else feels so alone. I'm annoyed that we often stop smiling at a child first once they can talk back (especially when they stop saying mostly cute, mispronounced words). Why is this?
4) Many of my dearly loved and sorely missed friends live far away. I'm annoyed I still haven't figured out how to twitch my nose as a means of travel.
5) Hidden beneath the debris of discouragement lives a wealth of human potential and seeds for happiness. I'm annoyed if I think of how much beauty is lost every day.
I'll leave off here, but I see now I have a far longer list than I'm willing to write out. I hope I always try to be part of the solution for every matter that annoys me.