It's 3:29am, I'm eating oatmeal with raisins and wondering what to write on this new weblog. Not much comes to mind. I'm thinking of Miss Martha and her total openness and love that runs through every entry. I'm thinking of my sister in law Bahiyyih and her moving insights into the every day meat of motherhood. I thought of writing a weblog when David was driving a semi accross the country 3-4 weeks a month, sharing the every day struggles and triumphs. But just getting through those days was enough at the time and for now I don't want to replay them even enough to write about it here. A few notes on our family will do for now. Matthew started running and as he does, he emits little breathy sounds of enjoyment. Devyn is teaching himself how to read on his "three letter thing" and is studying three letter words everywhere we go and thinking of possible three letter words all the time. Yesterday he started asking about the spelling of longer words. Loving words and writing so much myself, it is a beautiful adventure just to watch him step into this new aspect of language. I guess that's been true since he was born since he has always been striving to master language and play with it. I love being together as a family again. Watching David love his boys. He has been cooking for us every day, cleaning and generally helping us all to recover from the months apart. We pray more together now. Maybe it's knowing more deeply now the value of our marraige. We hold hands more and there is more laughter in our home. Yes, there is a lot more of the good stuff and less of the junk that keeps people from really being together in the same room, the same house, the same family, their own marraige. It's 3:56am. Time for another bowl of oatmeal and to read the weblogs of much loved friends.
Posted by heidi at January 30, 2005 03:05 PM